Yoga Yearners
September to December 2020
During 11 weeks, I was tasked to design and develop a mobile-based application. I developed an app allowing steps presenting how to perform simple Yoga poses. Throughout this project, I was introduced to different aspects of HTML and JS that were brand new to me such as learning how to allow adding the page to the user’s home screen and how to allow the app to work offline.
First, I focused on developing the wireframe to see the best possible UI for an app that focuses on Yoga poses and mindfulness. A majority of the weeks were spent in the developmental process understanding the different tags that allow offline development and CSS design changes for usability purposes for a mobile application.
This app was successfully developed using JS, HTML, and CSS. The metrics that measure these successful results are the app’s ability to function when uploaded to the home screen of an iOS device, ability to work offline, contains JS functionalities that implement local storage, and a fully designed web-based mobile application.
What I foresee for this project in the future is to possibly implement a video feature that allows the user to follow a series of videos to understand the poses that they are going through. There hopefully would also be different levels of poses beside the Beginner level that is seen within this version of the Final Project. There could also be a feature where you would be able to connect with family and friends in order to work on yoga and mindfulness together if you so do choose to. This option would be up to the user if they want to share with family and friends, or to practice on their own time.